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Hello. How can we help you?

If you are an artist with a track or album to promote this is the place to be. First you need to sign up and create a profile. Browse the list of servicers to see which ones will give your music the best promotion based on what they offer.

A servicer is a music industry professional who has a platform to promote music. Some examples of a servicer is a radio deejay, youtuber, blogger, social media influencer, etc. If you wish to become a servicer you first need to sign up and then click the Apply button. There will be a review process to ensure you meet the necessary criteria.

If your order doesnt get delivered in a timely manner that was agreed upon you will get a full refund.

Credit is purchased by using Paypal.

If you are having problems purchasing credit with Paypal you can send an email to info@submitchoon.com advising of alternate ways to purchase.

Feel free to send an email to info@submitchoon.com. We try to answer immediately and definitely within 24 hours.
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